Political Voice

Defending the Separation of Laws! Keep Fanatics Off OUR Constitution!

Name Calling From “Family Research Council” Tony Perkins

Now the Family Research Council is claiming advocacy of anarchy!

This is just another one of those religious groups set up to target Gay people by creating an organizational name for tax free status. Beware, all they do is attack Gay people and allege that Gay people have an agenda!!! Don’t be fooled!

BTW, that agenda is EQUALITY!

How does he think this country was found? I’m not suggesting anarchy, but if that is the label they are using today, I can’t wait to hear the next label. It’s strange that a people who claim to be so devoutly religious and family oriented would resort to such an attack on our Governor and Our community! It’s outrageous!

All those people should stay out of California, and stop funneling illegal funds into California for the sake of passing an illegal vote against Californian’s in the name of their religion.

What about the continued lies they use to attack Californian’s, and Our families! They seem to pretend that their families are better than other families! How could this be when their divorce rate is higher than 60%, and when they divorce they use the children to go against another parent!

We still live in a country that has religious freedom and for them to take away the civil rights of those individuals is unconstitutional and illegal. You cannot vote away a groups right to be free and treated equally the same under civil laws, either California’s or the United States!

Your church and your religion is your business and that should not be forced upon us! This is why people are protesting, and we have a right to support the cause of equality, and stop these religions from pushing they’re hated upon the rest of our society.

They need to keep their religion to themselves and stop this nonsense of pretending they don’t see it as bigotry!

I’ve heard the games from them for far to long. Some people still hang on to the bigotry brought upon the Japanese American to this day, and allege that taking everything away was not discrimination, even though the government had already agreed that it was wrong.

So you cannot tell me that Prop 8 is not Hate! Prop 8 is about discrimination base on religious dogma as conferred by the Mormon Church in Utah. Some sent out letters in other states pushing propositions by Church leaders, and it’s plausible they did the same in California. Most if not all of those propositions single out, and target our Gay brother’s, sisters and families.

They are the ones trying to water down our constitution for their religious needs.


“Since Election Day, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) has made statements supporting demonstrations against Proposition 8, and urging California ‘s Supreme Court to block the amendment’s enforcement…Condoning street protests and supporting judicial activist scams to overturn a popularly approved state constitutional amendment approaches advocacy of anarchy. Gov. Schwarzenegger is playing a dangerous game, and it needs to stop. Now.”

モルモン教徒 標的 合衆国 憲法


November 14, 2008 Posted by | Action Alert, Rant | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Equal Right’s Under Attack! This Reminds Me of Bin Laden.

Seems like the fanatics are out in full force, and I’m not talking about BinLaden or any of his associated religious practices.

I’m talking about here in the United States.

People supporting Justice, Equality and Human Rights are being threatened and attacked by these fanatics who want to destroy OUR Basic Democracy and include discrimination in California’s Constitution.

Equal Right’s Under Attack!
The NO on Prop 8 Web site was hit by a massive cyber invasion called a distributed denial of service attack (DoS) that took down the site for several hours last night, with the assault originating not just in-state, but from Texas, New Jersey and Georgia.

The NO on Prop 8 campaign’s Web site attack started late yesterday afternoon when the Web team was alerted by higher-than-normal traffic. The traffic escalated over the next several hours, slowing the system and by 10 pm, a small team of engineers concluded that that NO on 8 website was under a full cyber attack.

“I’m sure we’ll hear a lot of denials today from the Prop 8 campaign, but this is clearly an orchestrated attempt to tear down what has become one of the largest grassroots movements in California electoral history,” said Patrick Guerriero, NO on Prop 8 Campaign Director. “We have reported this to the FBI and other federal authorities and we have secured our site in ways we never thought would be necessary. But make no mistake – this was an attack against individual rights, not just a Web site.”

API Leaders Say NO to Prop 8: VOTE NO on 8

October 30, 2008 Posted by | Action Alert | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment